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The “Climate-neutral Hungary 2050” conference (in Hungarian)

3 June 2022

The “Climate-neutral Hungary 2050” conference (in Hungarian) will take place on June 3rd from 9:00 CET in Budapest. We are awaiting the presentation on a #CCS roadmap for Hungary, by János Hidi from Cambridge Econometrics at 14:35 CET.

The conference will be held in a hybrid way this year: you can participate online!

Registration: https://lnkd.in/dYDecfMx

Speakers include:

◾Attila Aszodi Prof. Dr., Professor at the Institute of Nuclear Technology, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest;

◾Péter Kaderják, head of the Zero Carbon Hub (ZKK);

◾Oliver Hortay PhD, Business Unit Manager of Századvég Konjunktúrakutató Zrt .;

◾Ildikó Dóra Csernus, senior climate and environmental policy expert of the Institute of Equilibrium;

◾Ernő Kiss, President of the Hungarian Solar Solar Association;

◾Previous Takáts, Rector of the Corvinus University of Budapest;

◾ Csaba Szabó, director of the Hungarian Chemical Industry Association;

◾Gabor Mucsi, Dean of the University of Miskolc;

◾János Hidi, Head of Sustainable Investments, Cambridge Econometrics Central Europe;

◾Tamas Boros, Director of the Institute for Balance;

◾András Huszár, Director of the Green Policy Center;

◾Levente András Koczóh, Senior Climate Policy Advisor, Green Policy Center;

◾Tibor Schaffhauser, co-founder of the Green Policy Center.

Aims of the conference are:

– strengthening the social, economic and political consensus on the 2050 climate neutrality goal,

– discussing key issues for a fair transition,

– „bringing together”, thinking together,

– contributing to the development of a framework for regular cooperation / dialogue,

– establishing the tradition of a Hungarian climate change meeting to be held on an annual basis

More information: https://lnkd.in/eT-jyJ_n

National project seminars have started. Budapest as the stage of first one

János Hidi, Head of Sustainable Investments at Cambridge Econometrics Central Europe, was one of the speakers during the “Climate-neutral Hungary 2050” conference which took place in the beginning of June in Budapest. The event was organized by the Green Policy Center in cooperation with the Equilibrium Institute of Budapest. At the same time, it was the first of the national seminars of the CCS4CEE project, launching the national policy roadmaps for advancing CCS in Central and Eastern Europe.

János Hidi introduced the CCS4CEE project, the main partners involved as well as the project work carried out for Hungary. He described the CCS technology and the global context for full decarbonisation in which CCS plays a crucial role, especially for hard to decarbonize sectors. He presented the emission figures for Hungary, highlighting the role of steel, cement and chemical sectors in both energy-related and process emissions. János Hidi also described the possible CCS-related solutions to address this problem, including capturing and storing process emissions, but also enabling blue hydrogen production and bioenergy with CCS (BECCS). He talked about the Hungarian stakeholders, and their roles and interest in the CCS landscape. Finally, the main findings from the stakeholder interviews and workshop conducted in the CCS4CEE project were highlighted.

Main conclusions

In order to have CCS solutions implemented in Hungary, there will be a need to refine the legislation, and set up a regulatory framework which is supportive for CCS, including incentives and state funding. Coordination at a national level is also needed – it should be carried out by a dedicated governmental organization. The theoretical potential to store CO2 underground in Hungary is large, but geological surveys should be carried out to provide enough evidence on storage capacity. On the demand side, green certificates should be introduced to support buyers who are willing to pay a higher price for products that are produced using low-carbon technologies.


3 June 2022
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