National seminar on CCS deployment in Poland – summary

National seminar on CCS deployment in Poland – summary

On June 28 the national seminar “Yes for CCS. Roadmap for the scaled-up deployment of CCS in Poland” (original title: „Tak dla CCS. Mapa drogowa wdrażania technologii CCS w Polsce”) was held on Zoom. During this event, the above-mentioned roadmap was presented and the proposed activities were discussed, in particular:

  1. a) increasing the scale of activities regarding research and development, creating national knowledge and experience base;
  2. b) regulatory environment;
  3. c) stakeholders’ engagement, cooperation and promoting know-how;
  4. d) social aspects and public support.

During the seminar Kamil Laskowski from WiseEuropa presented the Polish national CCS roadmap, and Paweł Gładysz from AGH University of Science and Technology talked about current prospects for the implementation of CCS technology in Poland. Both presentations were followed by a Q&A session with the participants of the seminar and a panel discussion with Kamil Laskowski (moderator), Paweł Gładysz, Helena Cygnar (Lotos Petrobaltic S.A.) and Jarosław Zuwała (Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, formerly: Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal).

The seminar was a part of the project “Building momentum for the long-term CCS deployment in the CEE region”, supported by EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation.

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