
  1. WiseEuropa (Lead partner)
  2. Bellona (Expertise partner)
  4. Energy Policy Group (EPG)
  5. Institute for European Integration

The project is implemented by four stakeholders from the region of Central and Eastern Europe in cooperation with the expert partner, Bellona.





WiseEuropa is an independent think-tank institute located in Warsaw. As such aims to improve the quality of the European policy-making processes with the main focus on the case of Poland. Along with the policy-making agenda, WiseEurope is also focusing on the business environment and economy in general. WiseEurope vision is to promote an open, sustainable, competitive, and most of all the democratic environment for further development and European integration. WiseEurope offers a variety of analytical, scholar, and consulting services for not only other NGOs but for all partners from either scientific or business fields. Thanks to their long-lasting tradition, WiseEurope proved to be an expert and reliable partner in promoting the EU visions and goals, addressing the most important challenges that we are facing in the modern world. Their current programs are f.e. digital perspective of economic policies, climate and environment, international affairs and diplomacy, and last but not least the public governance as such.

Bellona Europe logo

The Bellona Foundation is an independent non-profit organization that aims to provide expertise regarding the climate change issue by identifying and implementing sustainable environmental solutions. Bellona activities have a large-scale impact and are addressing the broad issues of international environmental questions not only in the European region but worldwide. The Bellona Foundation has a rich tradition lasting over 30 years and currently is well-known for its expertise in several disciplines. Bellona employees are for their professionalism frequently asked by the media to provide a scholarly opinion. One of their main fields of focus are issues linked with nuclear energy, fossil fuels, renewable energy, and last but not least the human right violation in Russia.

Civitta logo

CIVITTA is a leading management consultancy from Central Eastern Europe that started as an alliance of advisory firms in the Baltic region. CIVITTA challenges the traditional management consulting industry, providing high-quality fact-based, and analytically rigorous consulting services. CIVITTA’s know-how helps clients to challenge their own industries by becoming more innovative, efficient, and dynamic. Their clients’ portfolio is broad, ranging from governments, NGOs, corporations to small start-ups.

Energy Policy Group logo

Energy Policy Groups (EPG) is a non-profit, non-partisan independent think-tank located in Bucharest, Romania. Their main focus is on climate policy, energy security, market analytics, and energy strategy. EPG’s area of focus is mainly Eastern Europe together with the Black Sea. By promoting the latest EU trends and processes, addressing the current issues by implementing technologically advanced, secure, and environmentally friendly solutions. EPG´s role is also to mediate discussions between policy-makers, experts, energy companies, investors, and the wide public. Their main EPG’s outcomes are publications, policy recommendations, conferences, and workshops regarding the above-mentioned issues.

Institute for European Integration logo

Integrace Institute for European Integration is a non-profit, non-partisan, and independent think tank focusing on European integration and cohesion. It contributes to democracy and the active engagement of citizens through participation of citizens in debates about the future of the EU. Integrace is comprised of seasoned researchers and project managers from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, thus having more than two decades of experience in undertaking original research, public events and educational activities in all of the Czech Republic and in Brussels. Integrace strives to formulate new ideas and recommendations to improve European and Czech policymaking. Integrace has two offices through its affiliation with EUROPEUM: the main office in Prague and an office in Brussels serving as a bridge to the EU institutions.