Online workshop about CCS/CCU technology in Czechia

Online workshop about CCS/CCU technology in Czechia

On Tuesday, 8 June 2021, we organised an online workshop about the state and prospects for the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS / CCU) technology in the region of Central and Eastern Europe with a focus on Czechia. The workshop took place in Zoom and was led by the Institute for European Integration, one of the partners of this project, with the support of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

The workshop was attended by Jan Hladík of the Czech Geological Survey and by representatives of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, MND, Liberty Ostrava, Heidelberg Cement and other companies and institutions.

Areas covered:

  • Brief introduction of the project
  • The current state of the discussion on CCS in the Czech Republic, identification of relevant actors and their attitudes towards CCS
  • Arguments for and against CCS – what exactly do opponents use as the main arguments
  • Projects already implemented, their relevance and impact, where they have moved the topic; projects in progress and planned projects
  • Interest and potential of CCS in the Czech Republic. What development of CCS / CCU can we expect in the Czech Republic in the coming years with regard to past and current projects?
    CCS regulation issues
  • What are the expectations of the adoption of CCS / CCU by the general public?

This workshop is a part of the first phase of the project, whose goal is to assess the current state of the CCS/CCU technology in the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

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